Invited articles
- ‘Shock absorber’ device for the knees is giving people immobilised by arthritis their lives back – without the need for joint replacement surgery. Daily Mail January 19th 2019.
- BioPoly Operative Technique.
- Skiing knee injuries. MJ McNicholas.
- Cartilage regeneration: How do we meet the increasing demands of an ageing population R Oldershaw, MJ McNicholas SM J Orthop. 2015;1(2):1010
- Focal resurfacing implants in the knee and partial knee replacements. J Yates, P Jermin, MJ McNicholas. ICRS Proceedings; Chicago. 2015
- Focal resurfacing implants in the knee and partial knee replacements J Yates, P Jermin, MJ McNicholas Trauma & Orthopaedics. 2015
- The Surgeon’s perspective on the Kinespring Implant. Interview with Tina Tan, Editor Clinica Magazine. October 25th 201
- The Goal Study launched at Aintree Hospital. BBC Radio Merseyside, Drivetime interview with Simon Hoban, 8/10/13
- Physio-led knee treatments offer NHS money-saving opportunity. R Norris, MJ McNicholas. 5 November 2012
- Me and my operation: Anterior cruciate ligament replacement. How a tiny toggle can put the bounce back in your knees. Page 48 Daily Mail, June 14 2011.
- Me and my operation: Anterior cruciate ligament replacement. How a tiny toggle can put the bounce back in your knees. Page 48 Irish Daily Mail, June 14 2011.
- Sport in Warrington: our inspiration. Sports personality of the Year Judge, Editorial: Warrington Guardian Newspaper October 2010.
- The Daresbury elective orthopaedic surgery unit. BBC TV News. 1/2/02.
- Biographical profile. Who’sWho in Science and Engineering. 6th Edition. 2002-2003. Marquis Who’s Who, New Providence, N.J., USA.
- Better results from earlier treatment of golfing injuries. Golf Science International. February 2000. MJ McNicholas.
- Does it have to hurt? Ageing, injuries and facilities. MJ McNicholas. World Scientific Congress of Golf Trust. Monograph Vol. 2. 1999
- The 1996 British Orthopaedic Research Society Travelling Fellowship to Sweden. BORS Newsletter, Feb. 1997.